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September 18, 2020Let It Rain!
October 20, 2020Why Tint?
Our world has gotten very modern….With our technology, the answers to nearly any question are only voice command or a couple key strokes away.
Just last night, my 8 year old daughter spend some time practicing her math problems by confirming her answers with Alexa.
My point is that if you have some interest in a product, you can google it or any other ways to research it. With that, I know that you are familiar with Window Film or Window Tint! Everyone in the modern world has right? If nothing else, you are familiar with the product or terminology because of limousines. Limo Tint as we call in the industry, is that dark layer of film that is applied to limo’s to provide it occupants a privacy and anonymity. Limo tint is a very dark film that allows very little light transmission through the glass. Therefor, those behind the class can’t typically be seen or identified. Now, very little film is actually that dark. In fact, for passenger cars, a 5% or limo tint will be illegal in most states. The exceptions being on transport vehicles such as limo’s and Rv’s.
Some Basic Tint Fact to Know
Tint is made from polyester and is a clear film that blocks UV rays.
The higher the VLT (visual light transmission) the lighter the film. EXAMPLE: A film with a VLT of 50% is not very dark. A film with a VLT of 20% is dark. Just because a film is not very dark, that does not mean that it is less effective at absorbing and reflection UV rays. Scorpion Window Film offers a 70% VLT film that is nearly not even noticeable, but wow, does it ever make a huge difference in the heat rejection.
All States have window film laws in place. Many of the tint laws are in place for safety reasons. Any professional Tint Installer will know and be aware of their local laws. That doesn’t’ mean they won’t install a film that is pushes the legal limits……….
Scorpion Window Film is here to answer all your tint questions. You can speak with one of our Film Experts to discuss what line and VLT of will best meet you needs.
(800) 483-9087