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July 14, 2020Sanitization and Cleaning Products
July 31, 2020Answer me this question please?
Would you spend 3 hours washing, waxing and scrubbing your kitchen like you do your car? Maybe in the post COVID-19 world, yes, you scrub more than you did before, but I am willing to wager that you spend more time washing and waxing your car than the restroom.
Especially on a sunny day when your arms are looking a little pale and chicken skin like…….
Hey, just call it multi-tasking!
Clean car and a sun tan.
Assuming you don’t have a convertible roof over your home that would let sunshine in, I think you can see why I believe we spend more time on our vehicles.
I have blogged about our love affair with our vehicles numerous times over the years. I have written on this subject because I find it fascinating. Working in the automotive industry offers unique insight. With my job duties, I attend numerous trade shows throughout the year and see this passion first hand. From coast to coast, every weekend you can find a car club or car show that is the hot ticket time in that community.
For anyone with more than a nominal interest in cars, they should have heard of the SEMA Show. Every year either at the end of October or first of November, Las Vegas turns into the “Gear Head” capital of the World.
A full on Autopalooza.
All this about cars, trucks, jeeps, SUV’s, and anything else on wheels……… WHY DO WE CARE SO MUCH.
One word….Freedom!!!!
Again and again, the only logical reason I can come up with why we spend billions and billions of dollars every year on vehicles is because of the freedom that a vehicle provides.
I have theorized that the joy and freedom that our cars and trucks bring to us stems from the magical moment when we were 16 years old and first got our drivers license. The license means a new form of independence and literally, the vehicle that is taking you to that independence is a VEHICLE!!
That is why! It has to be! We have this deep love affair with our vehicles that began when we didn’t even know it. It began when we were anticipating getting our drivers license and taking that huge step toward independence.
Now, I am not complaining about it. Not even close. My job security has a lot to do with our love of cars. Even through the COVID-19 crisis, people love their cars. So we will keep on making truck bed liner materials and window film materials and ceramic coating products, because our customers have spoken loudly…… THEY LOVE THEIR RIDES