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October 20, 2014Rain or shine, beach or desert, no matter what type of car you have, when the sun goes down, your headlights go on, and washing and waxing your car can’t help the beating they’re bound to take. Your headlights hit the road in front of you first, and that means they take the most punishment from consistent sun exposure and from dirt and debris that hit them while you’re driving.
Foggy Headlights
Have you ever tried polishing your headlights to get rid of the light-dimming film that gradually builds over them? By now you know that this does absolutely no good. A good wash and wax will only make the appearance of “foggy” headlights more noticeable. You can thank all the damage your headlights take for the dingy yellowing light that used to be your torch in the darkness. Not only does the surface of your headlight covers become obscured, but so does the underlying layer- which is impossible to access with a washcloth and turtle wax.
Foggy headlights lead to hazy lighting and can hinder how well you see the road at night, not to mention that they make your car look a lot older than it is – and by older, we don’t mean in that cool, classic vintage way.
There are plenty of DIY headlight restoration kits out there that promise an easy, instant fix. However, most of these kits don’t include the necessary components to repair the underlying layer of headlight covers. To solve this problem, Scorpion decided to come up with a headlight restoration kit that contains all the key components that will get your headlight covers back in tip-top shape.
Our 4-step headlight repair kit actually works! Better yet, it is so simple to use, your child could easily earn their allowance getting the job done in less time than it takes to watch their favorite sit-com . And the best part is that our kit is synonymous with our brand, and that says quality. At Scorpion, we take pride in all of our products and would never sell something that we wouldn’t use ourselves.
Our DIY headlight restoration kit has everything you need to clean up your foggy headlights and get them back to how they looked when your car was sitting fresh and new on the lot. For headlights that are like-new, all you need to do is follow the simple instructions in this 6 minute video: and your headlights will be shining like new again in fifteen minutes or less.
Don’t waste another dime on kits that make big promises and don’t deliver. Trust Scorpion to get your headlights back into mint condition and make those night driving sessions safe again. Contact us today with any questions.